Saturday, March 28, 2009

Tower of Druaga: Sword of Uruk episode 12 (End)

The anti-cliche anime Tower of Druaga second season has ended, though was really brief for an ending. I haven't done a review of any of its episodes, so i'll just have it summarized this post.

Jil was betrayed by Kaaya, and had gone up to the second tower with Neeba. Though Kaaya didn't really wished to do it to Jill, its just to save his Grandfather, King Gilgamesh, yeah she's royalty. Kaaya's real name is Ishahara, descendant of Ki the oracle who helped Gilgamesh to kill druaga (history!). For Neeba, his reason to climb is to become the new Druaga and challenge Ishtar, though it was only revealed at the end.
Six months had past, since Kaaya and Neeba left, and the spirit of Ki was finding Jil to ask him to also climb and stop Neeba and the Succubus. Jil, Fatina & Utu with a new recruit Henaro managed to climb up the first tower and met Melt and Coopa on the top floor so freakin rich. Because of some circumstances with a roper, Melt's rich life ended. Another fake druaga appeared at the tower throne though weak. Inorder for them to get to the 2nd tower, they have to defeat it once again.
ohh ecchi~~
They managed to defeat the fake Druaga, and climbed to the next tower, although Henaro was hostaged with Ki by some Sumar Empire pips/freaks. They reached the second tower and struggled to climb up, though it wasn't really up, cause they were only finding a door for every floor (kinda like bomberman for me). They also had to deal with some Panzu's dolls, who were suuppeeerr strong. They managed to catch up with Neeba and Kaaya who climbed the tower for 3 weeks (time problem?). The tower's time is different on the real GMT one lol.
one of the first introduced cliche
Henaro betrayed the group and secretly took control of Panzu's dolls, for she was his unloved daughter. Henaro brought the 2 of the dolls to Gilgamesh's shadow (Tower Boss). Neeba managed to get to the top with the help of Ki and the Succubus. Jil and the others catched up using one doll who was tamed by Kally.
Neeba and the Succubs fought with Gilgamesh's shadow though failed and merely died. Jil and the other's also managed to fight the Shadow, though were easily knocked out except for Jil. Jil won back Henaro by saying lovely speeches (cliche) and she fought against the shadow, though easily KO. With Ki's help, Jil defeated the shadow and the King Gilgamesh was saved from his immortality.
It was almost "happyily everafter", but Neeba managed to get hold of the blue crystal rod and killed Henaro. Neeba joined the two towers and made it a weapon to attack Gods. He destroyed a mountain and attacked the sky (hes target was really unclear), and Ishtar was fighting back. Jil managed to get to Neeba's location with the help of Kaaya. Neeba was already into transforming to a Druaga, and provoked Jil to attack him. Amazingly (yeah that's the word) Jil defeated Neeba, though his armor was stripped. He won because of his speed in my point of view. That armor really improved his agility! The story ended with Kaaya giving praise to Gilgamesh as a hero (just that) and held hands with Jil. bg song 1st Season OP

It was really unsatisfying, and the second season had less scenes to lol about. That's all I can say (what a long review :D)