Saturday, March 28, 2009

To-Love-Ru 142 Manga

Another LMAO ecchi~~ chapter has completed my week :D falling panties..

The LOL's goes to Yui, from a very embarassing experience, though this types always happen in this story. ^^

Yui scolded one of her senpai, who's style really sucks for me, for wearing a wig (what you call that type? elvis like? dunno..) Her sempai didn't listen to her, and Yami showed up to save the day and also destroy it.

Yami-chan attacked sempai's hair and accidentally cut Yui's panties. Yeah PANTIES! Yami-chan noticed that Yui's pantie fell, though late to tell Yui. Yui noticed that air was freely flowing between her legs (I'm really laughing while typing this ^^). She then looked beneath her and discovers her panty was missing. Probably buying a new owner ^^

Being so paranoid, Yui panicked and thought of going back to get her panties. She me Rito on her way, panicking more cause he might know that shes not wearing one. The wind blew from the opened window, thankfully (sadly!!) Rito didn't noticed because Lala called for his attention. Yui got back to where she lost her panties, discovering that the panties wasn't there. I told you it went to buy a new owner.Yui heard the principal saying "This smell.. The taste.. I cant take it anymore" and freaked out!, though he was only eating bread. Yui gone out and met Oshizu also Rito and Lala on the side with a dog.. yes a dog (lucky!).. Oshizu freaked out seeing the dog (lucky!!) she used her "willpower" to rise everything. As a very good boy, Rito tried to give help to Yui who was knocked, but accidentally saw her bnzzA.. If you can read that then your pretty clever, or just perverted lol.

A tettle hit Rito and knocked him out, I think Yami did it. In the end Yui failed to get her panties back.
Panty-san: I found a new owner (Yami) Wear me, wear me!!!

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