Monday, March 2, 2009

Nix is now on Blogger!

Never came into my mind that a tragedy would happen. Just last week my blog ( was down because of hardware problems in our host. It was the first time for me to encounter such situation, where you could do nothing more but wait. Making it worse, all of my write ups were no where to be found in my database (no backups).

I decided to create a new blog, but instead of having in a web host, I decided to put it in Blogger. I was really going for wordpress at first cause my blog was totally wordpress, but unfortunately I wont be able to use my domain if I did. Wordpress asks for $10 payment for custom domains, and I don't feel like spending for it.

I didn't really like Blogger, but I was just really caught by my first impression for it; there's so many ugly blogs that are hosted in blogger. I've learned to appreciate this platform for it is very customizable if you just use your head (if you have one). Another thing is that I can freely use Adsense to generate some income for this site and myself. To conclude, Blogger is great!

Even though I lost my contents, I can still see a bright light of success infront of me. I've thought the situation as a new challenge and learning. I still stand as a blogger :D

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