Monday, March 23, 2009

Got back from an Internet Service disaster.

It really sucks losing your internet when you badly need it. I just reached my boiling point thanks for the frustration given by our internet provider. Just last thursday morning the internet flew away from, and I was really excited to post something here. The connection came back this morning (monday).

our internet connection...
Globelines broadband.. the best at getting your internet down for a couple of days, telling you the same excuse: "We are on Restoration, to make our service better" my ass. If I could, I would really change to another ISP, just that I'm not the one paying for the service.

I've had other frustrations from Globeline's service. The first thing that pops out in my mind while typing this is having a Shared IP address (only the last digits differ). The frustrating thing about shared IP's is its pack one pack all system; if one is marked as spam, so as everyone.

To ease myself, just watching some of my favorite animes really do the job. I'ts really perfect to unwine myself from the frustration^^

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