Friday, March 6, 2009

Immortal Regis unexpecting end

The last 3 chapters of Immortal Regis were just released this week, and unexpectedly ended. It was a very hanging ending as the story is very incomplete.

I've noted the skills on some stones:
De Pore - Very powerful stone of chaos that can turn the weakest to the best. De Pore is more on giving strength and power, so its a destructive type.
Semek - De Pore's best enemy, as Semek's skill is to null magic stones when directly hitted by his arrow. Semek is more on ranges. Both De Pore and Semek were owned by the Demon clan.
Fortuna - The fortune teller stone. Has the power to change fate for a price. We've seen how it was done on the previous chapters.
Maha devi - It didn't really showed some skills except for the last part salvaging Khaladbolg's bowl. It also showed some fortune telling skills from the previous chapters, though faked most of it.
Karladbolg - the stone of the king of chaos or the king itself. All stones of chaos were from Karladbolg. King Noche was chosed by Karladbolg to become its bowl because he was the only existence in chaos near to human. King Noche killed so many in chaos, but I doubt that he was conscious doing that.

The story of chaos will be continued on its sequel, Cavalier of the Abyss. I've read the first chapter but I can't really connect it to the story, except for Shao-shao.

I'm really disappointed for the sudden end. Hope the sequel has De Pore with it. I think I want De Pore.. I have desires.. lol.


  1. wish I have De Pore.. I want her to hug me too.. lol

  2. Ohh, then Immortal Regis isn't really my thing then. Since I love slapstick comedies.
