Thursday, March 12, 2009

I'm going Web Ramp Up Developers day tommorow!

The Web Ramp Up event,brought by Microsoft, is the biggest Developer Day held in the Philippines. This event was introduced to me last week, and didn't hesitated to buy a ticket for web events only comes to our area once in a blue moon.
The event will last from 9:00 AM to 6:30 PM, I have a long day with them :D They will also serve free lunch. Cause Microsoft owns the event, all products to be discussed in the event are theirs (common sense).

This will be discussed on the morning Plennary Session:
  • Windows Azure: by Maros Pinedo, Director SEA DPE Lead
  • Windows 7: by Jojo Ayson, Technology Solutions Specialist
  • Visual Studio 2010 and .Net 4.0: Hak Teng Quah, Developer Tool Specialist - Microsoft APAC
Afternoon Breakout Sessions will have,

Developer Tracks
Session 1 – Windows Azure Services Platform Architecture

Session 2 – Developing and Deploying your First Windows Azure Service

Session 3 – Building Silverlight 2.0 driven Web Sites

Session 4 – ASP. NET 4.0 RoadMap

Session 5 – PHP on Windows: IIS 7.0 FastCGI and SQL Server Driven

Designer Tracks

Session 1 – Designer Introduction to WPF, Siliverlight and XAML

Session 2 – Coding4Fun: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and other Social Network Apps with

Silverlight and WPFSession 3 – Lap Around on Microsoft Expression Studio

Session 4 –Techniques on Enhancing User Experience using Silverlight

Session 5 – Working with Silverlight and Flash

Architect Tracks

Session 1 – Architecting and Managing Cloud Services

Session 2 – Extending Applications to the Cloud with Windows Azure

Session 3 – PHP and .NET Interoperability through WCF Services

Session 4 – Sharepoint on the Web

Session 5 – NPANDAY

Customer Tracks
Session 1 – Introduction to Windows 7: Design Principles and Features
Session 2 - Enterprise Data in the Cloud and on the Device
Session 3 – Customizing Sharepoint Development Functionalities using Visual Studio
Session 4 – Globe Topic

Session 5 – Netopia

Session 6 – Introducing Daxa ERP Software Application
ISV Tracks

Session 1 – Multicore Programming for Managed Codes in Visual Studio 2010

Session 2 – Application Lifecycle Management with Visual Studio Team System

Session 3 – Windows Azure: Lap Around SQL and .Net Services

Session 4 – Location Based Service for Mobile Application

Session 5 – Load Test for Web Application

And this is me with the ticket: